【 10月 10日 新発売 】
抜群の感触 こだわりの天然皮革 フルベジタブル タンニングレザー
Excellent feel, carefully selected natural leather, full vegetable tanned leather
Genuine tanned leather that has been carefully tanned over time using a tannin extracted from the bark of mimosa trees grown in South America.
The tanning method is a wild and highly finished leather that has been created by skillfully utilizing the techniques of craftsmen.
Nume leather is a processing method that suits the climate of Japan, where the leather is soaked in a tank filled with tannin liquid and processed for about one to one and a half months.
Leather is made from basic material. This slime leather is further dyed using methods such as water dyeing.
Enjoy the unique texture and natural feel of the material.
第一弾は、使い手と共に大切な時間を過ごし経年変化を存分に楽しめるLONG LIFEなレザーアイテム。
The new SLOWER® lineup focuses on domestically produced materials and items that can be used for a long time.
“PEBBLE” Pebble
The first item is a LONG LIFE leather item that allows you to spend precious time with the user and fully enjoy the changes over time.
*カタログはヘッダーの CATALOG DATA からもご覧いただけます。
*2023SS ADD VOL.09-02 SLOWER CATALOG[ 追加版 ] P11~P14